Saturday, December 4, 2010

Short Review of 3RD Alleys New Singles

--Bloodshot Eyes--

The first time I heard 3RD Alley I had a "What the fuck is this?" moment. Finally a band that had real lyrics and that wasn’t about some lame gimmick or about a poser filled scene. "Bloodshot Eyes" reminds me of the first time I heard 3RD Alley. This song has the same "dark reggae I don't give a shit if the world’s about to end attitude" to it. Which is most of the reason I'm such a big fan of 3RD Alley. There are not many bands that can really go back to their old sound/style after two full length records and actually pull it off. It’s filled with catchy everything really to the vocals the guitar work and the recording and producing is top notch also.


Very easy to relate to this song lyrically for most people I think. There are a lot of elements and layers to this song, crunchy guitars and catchy lyrics. Shit even the guitars are catchy. The sax recording of Todd Forman (Sublime/Sublime With Rome) hands down murders the track, Sounds like Todd's playing right next to you in a small room.


Definitely check out these singles I gotta say its been many years and 3RD Alley hasn't disappointed yet.

Heres the link to the 3RD Alley paypal store